Page 5 - Rudolf Giesselmann - Photo Book - just listen
P. 5
Observing people who are lis- sumed and intended. I am right ears. And while he is all ears,
tening, that is what Rudolf Gies- here for you. Speak, so that I his face becomes complete,
selmann’s photo book is about. may see you. He who speaks whole. It is more than a face
We see people who are lis- becomes visible for me, as Jo- then. Containing a trace of the
tening to someone. They turn to- hann Georg Hamann noticed. words of the other, it reflects the
wards the other, and face him in The face which does not essence of the individual space
a movement of ethical sensitiv- communicate is in danger of and being of the other.
ity. They experience the other in freezing, or of just becoming a Photography does not utter
his uniqueness, in his distinctive mask. And of course there also a tiny sound itself, nor do the
singularity. may be the “mask of the good listeners. But we understand
It only takes one glance at listener”. But speaking breaks words through the expressions
the face to know how closely the through the masks, not only that on their faces, and the expres-
listener has come to the essence of the one who speaks, but also sion of each listener is a part of
of the other. You experience the that of the one who listens. the words of the other. The face
attention as a concentrated and So there is a chance to ap- then presents a silent dialogue
heeding movement. The face of proach. And you can take that itself.
someone, who turns towards the phrase literally. Observing people who are
other listening, uncloses without Although the ear is the only listening, that is what Rudolf
adopting a role or assuming a organ of perception that can- Giesselmann’s photo book is
pose. His face just reflects an not be closed voluntarily, hear- about.
open and sensitive presence. It ing can easily be blocked in
conveys a welcome, a ‘hospital- subtle ways. Words can easily Sabine Gürtler, Hamburg, 2011
ity’, as the French Philosopher pass unheeded. Words can be
Emmanuel Levinas points out. wasted. And even clear expres-
It opens the door for the sion may be unheard, may fall
other to open up. It is very much by the wayside on the way be-
a spontaneous process like a tween me and you. But then, an-
kind of sensible hospitality. It is other person can even lend me
always more, than what was as- an ear. And if he does, he is all